Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Why abalone hatchery?

Hatchery technology has been developed by SEAFDEC/AQD

Wild or hatchery-bred broodstock spawns spontaneously throughout the year

Abalone feeds on the seaweed Gracilaria, and the technology for seaweed culture is an easy one

High demand for juveniles by culturists for grow-out culture

Less competition being a new aquaculture technology

AQD integrated mollusc program: Mr. Armando C. Fermin commodity team leader

Technological Viability

Hatchery and nursery

Breeders that are wild or hatchery-bred can be held in flow-through sand-filtered seawater tanks or stocked in floating sea cages. Abalone can spawn spontaneously in captivity throughout the year
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Hatchery-reared abalone juveniles
(35-40 mm) can be grown
in cages suspended in tanks, and in floating net cages in sheltered coves. They can grow to a marketable size of 55-60 mm within one year, faster than the temperate species
[read more]

Stock enhancement and sea ranching

Abalone is ideal for stock enhancement in marine protected areas (MPAs). And if fed artificial diet, the abalone exhibits a green band on its shell, and this band would serve as a marker for monitoring released abalone in MPAs


Abalone feeds continuously on seaweeds (Gracilaria), or it may be given a formulated diet


abalone farming cycle poster

Abalone culture poster 20.32 X 30.48 cm

[3.55 MB]

Conceptualized by

SM Buen-Ursua

Abalone Project

Research / News

Abalone: we need our space!

Substrate matters

Navicula + abalone mucus = high metamorphosis

Papaya, malunggay, ipil-ipil and Azolla: must-haves for

Abalone: feed, mark, let go

In abalone culture, omnivores rule

Abalone: don't cramp my style

Virus expected to cost abalone industry

AQD's Work on Abalone

Spontaneous spawning of wild-caught abalone in the hatchery was achieved in 1994. The following year, SEAFDEC/AQD started producing abalone juveniles in its hatcheries, and because the effort was pioneering, production was no higher that 50 million until 2005 when this skyrocketed to 198 million.

The breakthroughs in abalone R&D at AQD had come rapidly, noted as follows:

1996 - Grow-out in floating sea cages was successfully undertaken

1997 - Abalone life cycle was completed

1998 - Formulated diets for juveniles were developed, and grow-out rearing in tanks successfully achieved

1999 - Formulated diet for broodstock maturation and spawning was successfully tested

2000-2001 - Seed production underwent more refinement, shell-marking method by feeding formulated diet was developed, and mass production of juveniles for culture and stock enhancement was started

2002-2003 - Searanching and stock enhancement begun experimentally, and techniques in abalone grow-out in floating net cage were refined

2004-2005 - Hatchery techniques for the mass production of juveniles were developed, behavioral studies of hatchery-produced juveniles for stock enhancement were conducted, and AQD began a training course on abalone hatchery and grow-out

2006 - Abalone hatchery technology was pilot-tested in a private hatchery in Oton, Iloilo

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